It is possible to avoid troublemakers but not the worst troublemaker within oneself.

Further results of significance for epistemology and metacognition:
"Observers were more accurate and confident on congruent than unisensory trials. Their perceptual and causal confidence were tightly related over trials as predicted by the interactive nature of perceptual and causal inference."

Significant result for epistemology:
"... congruent audiovisual stimuli produced higher confidence than incongruent audiovisual stimuli, even when the perceptual report was matched across the two conditions. Integrating these behavioural findings with recent neuroimaging and theoretical work, we discuss the role that prefrontal cortex may play in metacognition, multisensory causal inference and sensory source monitoring in general."

Life on Fire
We extinguish flames when a house is on fire but just silence alarms when life is on fire.

True Gratitude
True gratitude is appreciating everything in life, both received and not received, not just receiving what you want.

Eliminating Loneliness
Loneliness can be eliminated. But eliminating loneliness without addressing the cause can make your life worse. It is like silencing a fire alarm and letting the fire continue to burn.

Angela Collier has a great video on Gell-Mann Amnesia which feels kinda relevant with the discussion on about the and their active role in amplifying the anti-trans patriarchy.

Congratulations to the anniversary cubanlarry
(I think there is a lot to agree with here as to why people, not just university professors, keep a blog. Writing drives both learning, thinking and developing no matter what age you are or how much you know beforehand. Goes for both young students and adults)

Humanizing Work 5
Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others empowers one to learn and grow to live one's own life, and creates a better present and future for oneself and others.

Humanizing Work 4
Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others makes money follow you instead of following money, and is working as a human rather than a resource.


Humanizing Work 3
Working with motivation and intention of benefiting others creates and contributes greater value to society than just working for money, and in return brings greater benefits to oneself and others.

A Role of Unhappiness
Unhappiness brings ingredients of happiness. If you are unhappy, you probably already have what it takes to be happy.

Seeking Happiness
Seeking happiness without knowing oneself leads to unhappiness.

Generative AI Space and the Mental Imagery of Alien Minds

Attracting Thieves
Unguarded money attracts thieves. Unguarded mind attracts thieves that steal life.

Comment favoriser profondment lengagement, la comprhension et lautonomie des

Tlchargeable gratuitement, cet ouvrage prsente les routines de pense, outil puissant de

Juliehig catcatboucher

Humanizing Work 2
Working with the motivation and intention of benefiting others makes one's work more valuable and also makes oneself trustworthy.

Ignorance of Ones Own Ignorance
What makes us think we know when we do not is being unaware of what we do not know.


The Worst Ignorance
The worst ignorance is not knowing one's own ignorance.

Living Without Awareness of Being Alive 4
If one lives without the awareness of being alive, even with all the wealth and power in the world, one can not live as the owner of ones life but instead live as a servant.

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.9/9

Quelques que j'ai couts ces six derniers mois.

- Thomas Rmer
- La Plante Bleue
- Floraisons
- Meta de Choc
- Le survivologue
- Community Manager

C'est plutt htroclite et diversifier. Mais, ils sont tous passionnants et pousse rflchir un peu plus loin.

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.8/9

Maintenant que nous savons que faire en amont de la (voir Acte 2), Marine Troadec nous explique comment utiliser la au dbut de celle-ci.

Source : Sydologie

Excellent video on cognitive restructuring by Dr Julia Shaw.
How to rewire your brain and tame your dark memories - BBC Reel

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.7/9

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.6/9

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.5/9

Esprant tisser ma nouvelle toile par ici, je me suis abonne plusieurs #

Et d'autres suivre ou crer!

We often tell library users, "searching is iterative keep trying different terms and resources"

Does anyone have a nice format or template for iterating -- one that invites users to articulate what was unsatisfactory about the previous iteration Or, "unsatisfactory" sounds very deficit model -- but what else they want to find, or what their goals are for the next round

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.4/9

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.3/9

People in positions of and are the least likely to have .

Quite so. And, Id argue, could use it some of the most.

Hi! I'm Kestrel, a fremen who likes to hack minds and especially his own. My main hobby is to bring old computers back to life by installing . My favorite OS are / / .

My other interests are

I like also watching , in the nature, , and .

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.2/9

I really love seeing how notes reflect individual realities and ways of and processing information.

La transidentit : au-del des apparences, avec Chayka SHOCKING ! 28 Part.1/9

From a Servant to a Master of Money 3
Working to make money is working below money. Working with motivation and intention to benefit others is working above money and is humanizing work.

From a Servant to a Master of Money 2
Working to make money is working as a resource. Working with motivation and intention to benefit others is working as a human and growing.

From a Servant to a Master of Money
Working to make money is following money and is becoming a servant of money. Working to benefit others is making money follow you and is becoming a master of money.

clock of the death time