The Key to Understanding the World
Understanding oneself is key to understanding the world.

Two Types of Desires
There are two types of wanting: what you truly want and what you think what you truly want. The former is real and the latter is just a thought.

How well does self-reported metacognitive awareness predict performance on cognitive bias tests

Not well among the 293 students in this sample:

Higher metacognitive scores predicted better performance on some tests (tests with lures, a.k.a., reflection tests), but predicted no change or even worse performance on some other tests.

The Opposite Viewpoint
The opposite viewpoint is where the perspective is reversed, for example right becomes wrong and vice versa.

Rediscovering a Falling Apple
Seeing a falling apple is discovering oneself.


A Talking Leaf (image)

Uncontrollable 2
Just as an uncontrollable car is dangerous, uncontrollable mind can be harmful.

If your car runs on its own without your permission and can run but not stop, it can cause more harm than good. Likewise, if your mind runs on its own without your permission and can run but not stop, it can cause more harm than good.

Et voici le trio de tte des numros choisis dans notre dstockage la mi-journe !
1 : N 563 - Actualit de la mtacognition
2 : N 576 - Former les lves la coopration
3 : N 553 - Pdagogie de l'oral
Et vous, lesquels allez-vous choisir

A decade ago, I made a concept map of

Each of the small document icons is a link

Enfant indigo et Starseed 3 SCRIPT #2

La lithothrapie 1 SCRIPT #2

La lithothrapie 2 SCRIPT #2

La lithothrapie 3 SCRIPT #2

Practice what you teach. Because teachings don't function as symbols or metaphorsthey are an incarnation of what they are advocating.

Comment le New Age cible les femmes STREAM #13

Diving into - It's like being the mindful architect of my thoughts. Regularly reflecting and fine-tuning my mind's pathways. Every thought, a step towards a wiser, more self-aware me.

Difference Between Believing and Knowing
Believing is the opposite of disbelieving while knowing is the opposite of both believing and disbelieving.

Unchecked Mind 2
Unchecked mind lacks the power to choose what to think and what not to think.

Unchecked Mind
An unchecked mind can become like an abandoned house, inviting unwanted things.

I love a perspective to subsume a view which engages the construction of oppositions.

There are means to transcend the divisions of of the mind that the humankind oft confuse for a fundamental .

The opposition of those complimentary parts of any pair appear illusorily within the (s) of the mind.

To peer beyond the (dualistic) by which humankind passes down our relative knowledge is to loose one's bondage to dissonant aversions in the face of cognitive complexity.

The is helpful with this: neither does the sun set that Earth not revolve about it, nor does Earth revolve about the sun that the sun not set, but so sets the sun and also revolves Earth about it.

When I engage my , I understand "recognized reality" to be constructed by an internal along an - axis that synthesizes a (re-)projection around pardox: awareness includes phenomena only unique to itself (awareness does not commute or permute except locally) whilst embedded within a a common substrate (the universe, not necessarily matter) and the collective of which one is part is extensibly indefinite and conformally diffuse (I.e., at/to what extent is one separated from one's predecessors From one's mother From one's morning meal, the sweat sic on one's breath, or the roles played out in sleep with which one recalls no association)

I used to that "I am g-d, and you are too!" in a trans-solipsistic way, because I see the embedding of our Beings in a cross- and self-referential reality as the of what might else lead to hopelessness in , though that joke usually left my audiences scratching their heads or scoffing at me in (for surely I am not a primagenitor of all the squiggliness in life, but some of it for those after me and, by internalized self-projection, "All Most of" the squiggliness within my 1st Person PoV).

Nicolas Lozancic reoit Raphal Grasset, fondateur de Traindy, entrepreneur, chercheur et enseignant en sciences cognitives. Dans cet pisode du , il aborde les lments caractristiques du concept de en . Il nous livre les atouts de ce concept intgr dans toutes les tapes dun de formation et explicite le rle du .

Source : C2RP

Vous avez peut-tre beaucoup entendu parler de la dans l ces dernires annes, mais tes-vous sr de savoir de quoi il sagit Et mme dans ce cas, comment faites-vous concrtement pour aider les lves dvelopper la mtacognition Il existe de nombreuses que vous pouvez utiliser pour cultiver la mtacognition dans votre .

Source : InnerDrive

Believing one knows what one does not know. Acting against oneself while wanting to help oneself. Doing what will bring oneself unhappiness while wanting happiness.

What is metacognition?

Higher Knowledge
Knowledge is about knowing nonself. Higher knowledge is about knowing self.

Contradictory 2
One who is thinking he knows does not know that he is thinking.

Chroniques de la spiritualit contemporaine SCRIPT #2 Teaser

Chamanisme et nochamanisme 1 SCRIPT #2

Chamanisme et nochamanisme 2 SCRIPT #2

Chamanisme et nochamanisme 3 SCRIPT #2

Metacognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions for psychosis: new developments (2019) -- on and the use of in (note that including are also known as psychotomimetic, mimicking psychosis. Not a stretch to pair cognitive behavioral therapy with )

The of disrupt the brain networks responsible for the feeling of selfhood

Enfant indigo et Starseed 1 SCRIPT #2

Enfant indigo et Starseed 2 SCRIPT #2

Benefiting from Untruth
The unwise do not benefit from truth but the wise even benefit from untruth.

Mental Chatter
Mental chatter is your creation without knowing it.

Muistaessani mainitsen SEP:n syyskuisesta tykknn uutuudesta sisisest puheesta,

Kyse on totutusti ksitteen maistelusta ja tunnetuimpien teoreettisten jsennys-vinkkelien esittelyst ja arvioinnista. Paljon potentiaalia itsereflektioon tekstin rell, jos sattuu sille plle ja jaksaa keskitty.

The most important thing you can learn might just be "how to learn"

Ignorance and Foolishness
When we are ignorant, we dont know we are ignorant. When we are foolish, we believe we are not foolish.
