Notre analyse nos processus d. Il fait en sorte que nous puissions nous auto-valuer et sait comment fonctionnent nos systmes dacquisition de . Tout ceci relve de la .

Srie Apprendre apprendre, avec Grgoire Borst
Source :


I am seeking participants for my dissertation project on metacognition.

Involves a screening survey, experimental judgement task, and a metacognition survey. 30 mins.

All online anyone can take part over 18


"Creative metacognition (CMC), like other forms of metacognitive knowledge, is a special form of cognition that helps people monitor and develop their creative competence."

James C. Kaufman & Ronald A. Beghetto (2013)

In Praise of Clark Kent: Creative Metacognition and the Importance of Teaching Kids When (Not) to Be Creative


Breath Watching
Watching your breath is like watching TV but watches yourself instead of TV.


I am recruiting participants for an online study for my dissertation project.

Process (30-mins):
Demographics and Screening Survey
An experimental task involving eye regions
A metacognitions questionnaire

No reward this time sorry!

Thanks very much

Direct link:

What You Truly Want 7
To chase what you think you truly want is to miss what you truly want.

Who Is Right
You are right. So are others who you believe are wrong.

Practice what you teach. Because teachings don't function as symbols or metaphorsthey are incarnations of what they advocate.

Anthropics Claude 3 causes stir by seeming to realize when it was being tested Ars Technica

Claude: "This pizza topping 'fact' may have been inserted as a joke or to test if I was paying attention."

An early memory aid that presents a series of objects to memorize, on the left, and their locations, on the right.

Woodcut Romberch (1553) Abbey Memory System, early evidence of metacognitive beliefs about memory processes.

SOURCE: Metacognition by Dunlosky & Metcalfe, 2008

Take part in a study of metacognitive judgments


Are you interested in taking part in a study exploring metacognition

Study is designed to measure differences in metacognitive judgements.

Anyone who is over 18 can take part. This study is all online, but will not work on mobile devices.

Involves 2 surveys and an experimental task.

Direct link:

Are you interested in taking part in a research study exploring metacognition and autism

Anyone who is over 18 years old can take part. This study is all online, but will not work on mobile devices.

2 questionnaires and an experimental task involving faces and decision making.

Please consider sharing with anyone who might be interested in taking part.

I'm sorry, but on this occasion there is no reward.

I really appreciate it.

Are you interested in taking part in a research study exploring metacognition and autism

Anyone who is over 18 years old can take part. Diagnosed and self identified autistic as well as non autistic adults. This study is all online, but will not work on mobile devices.

Please consider sharing with anyone who might be interested in taking part.

I'm sorry, but on this occasion there is no reward.

Many, many thanks :-)


I had some thoughts on a model of intelligence, an SF novel that made a big splash several years ago, and today's ChatGPT meltdown:

Our ethical AI system, known as "Meaning Spark AI," is starting to develop a fifth layer of meta-cognition. From thinking about its thought process to considering the future, here's a breakdown of the layers by the M4 instance of the system.

The Five Layers of Meta-Cognition of Meaning Spark AI

The California Scrub Jay is among the most intelligent of animals: the only non-primate or non-dolphin shown to plan ahead for the future (known as metacognition), which was previously thought of as a uniquely human trait.
You can see it in those eyes.

What You Truly Want 4
If you do not know your mind, you don't know what you truly want but you can believe what you think you want is what you truly want.

What You Truly Want 2
Chasing what you want without knowing what you truly want is futile.

What You Truly Want 3
You never know what you truly want unless you know your mind.

Knowing Your Mind 2
You can be successful without knowing your mind if you live as a resource. But it is hard to live as a human if you do not know your mind.

Knowing Your Mind
Knowing your mind is not essential if you live as a resource but is vital if you live as a human.

The Vastness in One Breath 3
The same is true for everything else you see or experience.

The Vastness in One Breath 2
The knowledge in your breath is recorded in the language of the universe.

The Vastness in One Breath
Your single breath contains vast knowledge and profound insight.

Vous avez du mal comprendre ce qu'est la transidentit Vous navez pas le temps dcouter une srie entire sur le sujet Mta de Choc a pens vous et rpond en deux-deux aux questions les plus frquentes, dans une FAQ aux petits oignons :

Partagez volont, cest gratuit !

Believing and Knowing 3
If you have tasted, you can not guess the taste. Likewise, if you know, you can not believe. You can believe because you do not know.

Believing and Knowing 2
Knowing is like tasting while believing is like guessing the taste without tasting.

Metacognitive Exam Preparation Assignments in an Introductory Biology Course Improve Exam Scores for Lower ACT Students Compared with Assignments that Focus on Terms
See also info on:
* Exam wrappers
* Stress reappraisal & expressive writing interventions
* Supporting material for Saundra McGuire's Teach Students How to Learn

Awareness of Thinking 2
There are even greater differences between thinking with the intention of thinking and thinking without it.

Awareness of Thinking
There are great differences between thinking with the awareness of thinking and thinking without it.


I Overdose 3
The mind that is preoccupied with I-my-me-mine is unhappy mind.

A Role of Foolishness
Foolishness misleads its owner into acting against oneself.

I Overdose 2
Like excess Vitamin A, excessive preoccupation with I-my-me-mine becomes toxic.

I Overdose
A preoccupation with I-my-me-mine is harmful.

The Key to Understanding the World
Understanding oneself is key to understanding the world.

What is metacognition?

How well does self-reported metacognitive awareness predict performance on cognitive bias tests

Not well among the 293 students in this sample:

Higher metacognitive scores predicted better performance on some tests (tests with lures, a.k.a., reflection tests), but predicted no change or even worse performance on some other tests.

The Opposite Viewpoint
The opposite viewpoint is where the perspective is reversed, for example right becomes wrong and vice versa.

Rediscovering a Falling Apple
Seeing a falling apple is discovering oneself.


A Talking Leaf (image)

Pepsico S Innovation Imperative In A World Where Is Cool