Jennifer Gonzalez et Megan Sumeracki (Learning Scientists) nous parlent de ce qu'est la , de ce quoi elle ressemble lorsque nos moniteurs mtacognitifs sont bancals et de la faon dont les apprenants peuvent l'exploiter pour optimiser l'.

Source : Cult of Pedagogy


Quand jai cr Mta de Choc en fvrier 2019, je nai absolument pas anticip le succs quil rencontre aujourdhui. Je me suis simplement dit : Et si jessayais de faire connatre la avec un a a lair cool comme mdia et a me permettra de mexprimer entre deux ralisations documentaires ! Aujourdhui et depuis un moment dj, Mta de Choc est mon travail plein temps et les films documentaires sont clairement passs au second plan.

Want to learn about metacognition heres the basics

Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do especially if waiting for a decision or an expected outcome, and sometimes for a good reason. But as humans, we have the tendency to go overboard with anxiety that can put us in hyper-excitable states and become distracting.

When waiting turns into worrying, then theres a need to actively work on your mind to relieve the anxiety and maintain an optimistic outlook on life. This is because life is not going to stop happening just because youve slipped into a pervasive and distracting state of worry over things that are completely out of your control.

As someone who is fresh off my exams and awaiting results while having to address other important aspects of daily life, Im frequently haunted by thoughts of what ifs and cant seem to forget those questions I probably didnt get right. I am actively working on my mind everyday because it is very important for my future self to maintain the ability to make sound decisions even when there are grey areas or uncertainties.

This article is inspired by my journey of mastering the process of waiting and navigating uncertainties while keeping positive. It is going to be something old, something new, and something borrowed.

Ill start by outlining the things that I have noticed to happen when waiting with worry or anxious thoughts:

Slowed thought processing


Poor decision making

High distractability


Poor problem solving ability


Over Sharing

These are just a few of the things that can happen when we allow anxiety and fear to dominate any waiting period in our lives. Of course there are quite some popular quotes on worrying, and an all time popular one sung as que sera sera. Indeed, what will be is going to be. My personal favorite is the one that asks, if something can be done about it, why worry If nothing can be done about it, why worry!

But waiting with the right attitude and gutting anxious and fearful thoughts is not as easy as we sometimes imagine it to be. While Im deeply aware of how difficult it can be to manage worrying thoughts sometimes, I still sometimes find myself expecting people to be able to immediately shed their worrisome thoughts just because I said so as I have also experienced people often expecting me to shed my worrisome thoughts just because they said so. Worry never goes away just because we want it to go away.

Here are a few things that I have learned to implement in the course of managing the waiting process effectively:

THOUGHT DISCIPLINE: It is easy to believe that we are subject to our thoughts and are somehow helpless about when they pop up and how we handle them, but I have found that this is often not the case. That feeling of helplessness that accompanies worrying thoughts is a form of thought indiscipline, though a subconscious habit. It is in fact true that when you recognize yourself holding distressing thoughts, you can just stop thinking about it. No, this is not thought-blocking, rather it is acknowledging the presence of a particular quality to your thoughts and not lending it the emotional component that gives it the power to bloom into full anxiety and put you in overdrive.

EMOTIONAL DISCIPLINE: And talking of putting reins on our emotions, it can be very tasking to achieve this. The reason is because emotion exists on a spectrum and anxiety can often find other ways to interfere with your life. Anxiety can quickly become anger, extreme joy, talkativeness(cue over sharing), overeating, and all sorts of lability. Being unable to identify the source emotion that is sliding up and down the spectrum can be hard to curb. For me, I often take away every single reason that I think I have to act out using cognitive strengths. Theres absolutely a time and place for everything even though modern life touts endless possibilities and no boundaries. When your emotional strength is challenged, it is absolutely okay to switch into full on logic till your emotional strength is restored. And talking of logic

METACOGNITIVE STRENGTH: I first became aware of this word about 8yrs ago, and I have not stopped researching it. In simple terms, metacognition just refers to your ability to recognize how you think. The ability to look at yourself from different angles and understand your tendencies under different circumstances is a top tier skill. Other terms for metacognition are self-mastery and the likes of it, the components of which includes self-awareness, situational awareness, insightfulness, well trained instinct, and mindfulness. The one foolproof thing that sparks consciousness has always been meditation amongst many others. When anxious thoughts arise, employ literal stillness. Stillness takes away the haziness and the brain fog that comes with anxious thoughts.

Before I bring this article to conclusion, I want to add that worry on its own is an essential signal that is designed to help us tread carefully or pay closer attention to an element that we may be taking for granted. Its important to mention this because we live in the age of happiness addiction, and were bombarded with information that implies that worry is something that should completely be done away with. In reality, worry is protective when it occurs in the right amount. Unchecked, it becomes a problem in many ways.

I hope that you find these tips helpful. Theres no one size fits all solution for these things, and nobody knows how best to handle it better than anyone else because were all unique in personality and circumstances, but we can always tap into the collective knowledge of others and borrow something.

If you find this read enjoyable, give us a like and follow to read more of articles like this and be sure to share it with your friends and loved ones.

#calm #EmotionalStability #meta #metacognition #personalGrowth #resilience #stability #Stillness #ThoughtDiscipline #watchfulwaiting

Avis la population !
La prochaine lettre dactu est en partance pour vos botes-aux-lettres ! Elle arrivera chez vous ce samedi 6h du matin. De quoi bouriffer vos synapses et arer vos neurones.

Y seront notamment annoncs les prochains vnements pour nous voir en vrai, ainsi que la gagnante du concours de mmes crs par des auditeurices sur la base de la photo outrageusement badass du portrait de moi paru dans Tlrama.

"Conservatives exhibit greater metacognitive inefficiency, study finds"

*cough* *cough*

I'll just leave this here.

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Can we build a metacognitive mind

Most likely we do in some form perhaps . In its basic sense its simply thinking about thinking. Does it go deeper

Pour aider les et les utiliser l de manire responsable, Jen Stauffer et Jonathan Gold ont collabor llaboration dun arbre de dcision pour la prise de dcision des lves. Ce cadre peut aider les lves faire de meilleurs choix quant lutilisation des outils dIA et donner aux enseignants plus de confiance pour soutenir lutilisation des outils par les lves.

Source : Edutopia

L'intgration de de pr-questionnement et de en classe peut avoir un impact significatif sur les rsultats d' des lves.

Source : Bradley Busch InnerDrive

Rflchir aux expriences d' peut aider les lves comprendre quelles fonctionnent le mieux pour eux et amliorer leurs capacits de prise de dcision et d'apprentissage.

Source : Katie Novak Novak Educational Consulting

Le groupe de travail "Mtacognition et confiance en soi" du conseil scientifique de l'ducation nationale (CSEN) partage un de la .

Repr depuis un tweet de via un retweet de Nicolas Gaube aka Un prof heureux.

The work by Robert A. Bjork and his colleagues is very helpful to make sense of the limitations of learners perceptions. Here are 8 summary points from their paper about self-regulated learning.

  1. Our complex and rapidly changing world increasingly requires self-initiated and self-managed learning, not simply during the years associated with formal schooling, but across the lifespan.
  2. Learning how to learn is, therefore, a critical survival tool, but research on learning, memory, and metacognitive processes has demonstrated that learners are prone to intuitions and beliefs about learning that can impair, rather than enhance, their effectiveness as learners.
  3. Becoming sophisticated as a learner requires not only acquiring a basic understanding of the encoding and retrieval processes that characterize the storage and subsequent access to the to-be-learned knowledge and procedures, but also knowing what learning activities and techniques support long-term retention and transfer.
  4. Managing ones ongoing learning effectively requires accurate monitoring of the degree to which learning has been achieved, coupled with appropriate selection and control of ones learning activities in response to that monitoring.
  5. Assessing whether learning has been achieved is difficult because conditions that enhance performance during learning can fail to support long-term retention and transfer, whereas other conditions that appear to create difficulties and slow the acquisition process can enhance long-term retention and transfer.
  6. Learners judgments of their own degree of learning are also influenced by subjective indices, such as the sense of fluency in perceiving or recalling to-be-learned information, but such fluency can be a product of low-level priming and other factors that are unrelated to whether learning has been achieved.
  7. Becoming maximally effective as a learner requires interpreting errors and mistakes as an essential component of effective learning rather than as a reflection of ones inadequacies as a learner.
  8. To be maximally effective also requires an appreciation of the incredible capacity humans have to learn and avoiding the mindset that ones learning abilities are fixed.

Source: Bjork, R.A., Dunlosky, J., Kornell, N., 2013. Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 64, 417444.

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Roots of unwholesome states:
(1) Attachment/Greed
(2) Aversion/Hatred
(3) Delusion/Ignorance

Roots of wholesome states:
(1) Generosity
(2) Lovingkindness
(3) Wisdom (insight into impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and selflessness)

La vie est un roman SCOOP #11

Practice what you teach. Because teachings don't function as symbols or metaphorsthey are incarnations of what they advocate.

What if Im wrong Good thinkers frequently ask themselves this question, the way good doctors frequently check their practices against the Hippocratic oath they swore.

Distributed understanding is a real phenomenon, but you have to get yourself into a community of communicators that can effectively summon the relevant expertise.

What if Im wrong Good thinkers frequently ask themselves this question, the way good doctors frequently check their practices against the Hippocratic oath they swore.

Distributed understanding is a real phenomenon, but you have to get yourself into a community of communicators that can effectively summon the relevant expertise.

Study closes tomorrow

Exploring metacognition and autistic traits.

All online, survey and experimental task (30 mins).


Are you interested in taking part

Exploring metacognition and autism

All online, survey and experimental task (30 mins).

Won't work on mobiles.



Hello, I am seeking participants .

Measuring metacognitive differences in facial emotional judgments.

Involves All online:
Must be over 18
30 minutes
Screening Survey
Faces, detail/global task
Metacognition questionnaire
Not paid (student project), sorry!


"Creative metacognition is a term that encompasses your understanding of your own creative strengths and weaknesses, including how your own talents match what you want to do."


Seeking participants .

Measuring metacognitive differences in facial emotional judgments.

Open to all


For my dissertation research, I became interested in the possibility that compensatory strategies might be supported by metacognitive awareness in adults.

Are you interested in participating

The study is all online (30 mins).


Notre analyse nos processus d. Il fait en sorte que nous puissions nous auto-valuer et sait comment fonctionnent nos systmes dacquisition de . Tout ceci relve de la .

Srie Apprendre apprendre, avec Grgoire Borst
Source :

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