Quand jai cr Mta de Choc en fvrier 2019, je nai absolument pas anticip le succs quil rencontre aujourdhui. Je me suis simplement dit : Et si jessayais de faire connatre la avec un a a lair cool comme mdia et a me permettra de mexprimer entre deux ralisations documentaires ! Aujourdhui et depuis un moment dj, Mta de Choc est mon travail plein temps et les films documentaires sont clairement passs au second plan.
Want to learn about metacognition heres the basics
Avis la population !
La prochaine lettre dactu est en partance pour vos botes-aux-lettres ! Elle arrivera chez vous ce samedi 6h du matin. De quoi bouriffer vos synapses et arer vos neurones.
Y seront notamment annoncs les prochains vnements pour nous voir en vrai, ainsi que la gagnante du concours de mmes crs par des auditeurices sur la base de la photo outrageusement badass du portrait de moi paru dans Tlrama.
metacognition"Conservatives exhibit greater metacognitive inefficiency, study finds"
*cough* *cough*
I'll just leave this here.
Psychognalogie et constellations familiales 1/5 SCRIPT #2
Psychognalogie et constellations familiales 2/5 SCRIPT #2
Psychognalogie et constellations familiales 3/5 SCRIPT #2
Psychognalogie et constellations familiales 4/5 SCRIPT #2
Psychognalogie et constellations familiales 5/5 SCRIPT #2
Le voyage astral 1/5 SCRIPT #2
Le voyage astral 2/5 SCRIPT #2
Le voyage astral 3/5 SCRIPT #2
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Le voyage astral 5/5 SCRIPT #2
The real is .
Comment reprer un coaching dangereux STREAM #15
cologie et sotrisme STREAM #14
Neither without nor without .
Can we build a metacognitive mind
Most likely we do in some form perhaps . In its basic sense its simply thinking about thinking. Does it go deeper
Pour aider les et les utiliser l de manire responsable, Jen Stauffer et Jonathan Gold ont collabor llaboration dun arbre de dcision pour la prise de dcision des lves. Ce cadre peut aider les lves faire de meilleurs choix quant lutilisation des outils dIA et donner aux enseignants plus de confiance pour soutenir lutilisation des outils par les lves.
Source : Edutopia
L'intgration de de pr-questionnement et de en classe peut avoir un impact significatif sur les rsultats d' des lves.
Source : Bradley Busch InnerDrive
Rflchir aux expriences d' peut aider les lves comprendre quelles fonctionnent le mieux pour eux et amliorer leurs capacits de prise de dcision et d'apprentissage.
Source : Katie Novak Novak Educational Consulting
Le groupe de travail "Mtacognition et confiance en soi" du conseil scientifique de l'ducation nationale (CSEN) partage un de la .
Repr depuis un tweet de via un retweet de Nicolas Gaube aka Un prof heureux.
The work by Robert A. Bjork and his colleagues is very helpful to make sense of the limitations of learners perceptions. Here are 8 summary points from their paper about self-regulated learning.
Source: Bjork, R.A., Dunlosky, J., Kornell, N., 2013. Self-Regulated Learning: Beliefs, Techniques, and Illusions. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 64, 417444. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143823
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#learningStrategy #lifelongLearning #memory #metacognition #retrieval #selfManagedLearning #selfRegulatedLearning #transfer
Roots of unwholesome states:
(1) Attachment/Greed
(2) Aversion/Hatred
(3) Delusion/Ignorance
Roots of wholesome states:
(1) Generosity
(2) Lovingkindness
(3) Wisdom (insight into impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and selflessness)
La vie est un roman SCOOP #11
Practice what you teach. Because teachings don't function as symbols or metaphorsthey are incarnations of what they advocate.
What if Im wrong Good thinkers frequently ask themselves this question, the way good doctors frequently check their practices against the Hippocratic oath they swore.
Distributed understanding is a real phenomenon, but you have to get yourself into a community of communicators that can effectively summon the relevant expertise.
What if Im wrong Good thinkers frequently ask themselves this question, the way good doctors frequently check their practices against the Hippocratic oath they swore.
Distributed understanding is a real phenomenon, but you have to get yourself into a community of communicators that can effectively summon the relevant expertise.
Study closes tomorrow
Exploring metacognition and autistic traits.
All online, survey and experimental task (30 mins).
Are you interested in taking part
Exploring metacognition and autism
All online, survey and experimental task (30 mins).
Won't work on mobiles.
Hello, I am seeking participants .
Measuring metacognitive differences in facial emotional judgments.
Involves All online:
Must be over 18
30 minutes
Screening Survey
Faces, detail/global task
Metacognition questionnaire
Not paid (student project), sorry!
Link: bellsamuel.github.io/metacognitio...
"Creative metacognition is a term that encompasses your understanding of your own creative strengths and weaknesses, including how your own talents match what you want to do."
Seeking participants .
Measuring metacognitive differences in facial emotional judgments.
Open to all
Link: bellsamuel.github.io/metacognitio...
"This finding.. suggests that the metacognition of radicals plays a part in shaping their beliefs. In other words, they actually cant question their own ideas the same way more moderate individuals can."
For my dissertation research, I became interested in the possibility that compensatory strategies might be supported by metacognitive awareness in adults.
Are you interested in participating
The study is all online (30 mins).
Notre analyse nos processus d. Il fait en sorte que nous puissions nous auto-valuer et sait comment fonctionnent nos systmes dacquisition de . Tout ceci relve de la .
Srie Apprendre apprendre, avec Grgoire Borst
Source :
I am seeking participants for my dissertation project on metacognition.
Involves a screening survey, experimental judgement task, and a metacognition survey. 30 mins.
All online anyone can take part over 18